Stranger Mold sucks big butts and I cannot lie.

My mold for The Stranger sucks. I did ten guys (one is going in the trash.)

Not sure what I will do. This is the second mold. I think rather than go the Argus 3000 route and give them a quick priming and drybrush, I will go all out and detail each one.

I love this figure, not sure anyone else will, and I’m eager to get onto my next design, Sparklesaurus Hex (A glittered up magic, robot, dinosaur.) Let me know what you think.



2 Responses to “Stranger Mold sucks big butts and I cannot lie.”

  1. What’s going on with your molds? Are you having trouble making the molds…or with your silicone? If I can give pointers..holler!

    Rich Dufresne

  2. The Stranger Says:

    Thanks Rich.
    For my new figure, Sparklesaurus Hex, I tapped the hell out of it and got rid of all the bubble and poured the rubber for the mold from a really high point so that when it landed, it was almost like a hair. This seems to have gotten rid of ALL the bubbles.
    Thanks again for the offer.

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